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Combat System

Adding this component enables PvP and PVE style gamemodes in your world. Best used alongside the Damage Component and the GameInstanceController Component


Reference ID

This property is read only, changing this value only break the component.


Health Base Amount

This is the default Health each player starts with at the beginning of a Game or Round.

Health Max Amount

This is the Maximum amount of Health a player can have at any given time.

Health Regeneration

Health Regeneration Delay

The time in seconds before the player starts regenerating Health.

Health Regeneration Rate

The amount of Health the player recovers per second.

Health Regeneration Cap

The amount of Health that regeneration will stop.


Armor Base Amount

This is the default Armor each player starts with at the beginning of a Game or Round.

Armor Max Amount

This is the Maximum amount of Armor a player can have at any given time.

Armor Regeneration

Armor Regeneration Delay

The time in seconds before the player starts regenerating Armor.

Armor Regeneration Rate

The amount of Armor the player recovers per second.

Armor Regeneration Cap

The amount of Armor that regeneration will stop.


Shield Base Amount

This is the default Armor each player starts with at the beginning of a Game or Round.

Shield Max Amount

This is the Maximum amount of Armor a player can have at any given time.

Shield Regeneration

Shield Regeneration Delay

The time in seconds before the player starts regenerating Shield.

Shield Regeneration Rate

The amount of Shield the player recovers per second.

Shield Regeneration Cap

The amount of Shield that regeneration will stop.

General Settings

Friendly Fire

Enable or Disable the ability for players to attack their own teammates.

Respawn Behavior

Choose how the player will respawn upon being downed.

Respawn Behavior
  • Respawn On World
    Uses the CVRWorld Spawn Point.
  • Respawn On Point
    Uses the transform of the Respawn Point Property.
  • Respawn In Place
    Will respawn the player at the point they were downed.
Respawn Point

The GameObject Transform property the player will respawn at when using the Respawn On Point Respawn Behavior.

Respawn Time

The time after being down the player will respawn.


These are hooks that can be triggered by the Combat System.

Player Down Event

This is triggered when player health reaches 0.

Player Hit Event

This is triggered when the player has been hit by the Damage component.

Player Respawn Event

This is triggered when the player respawns after being downed.

Player Revitalize Event

This is triggered if the player is given Health outside of Health Regeneration.

PVP Events

These are hooks that can be triggered by the Combat System from other players.

Player Downed Event

This is triggered when a remote player brings the local player's health to 0.

Downed Another Player Event

This is triggered when the local player brings a remote player's health to 0.

Player Got Hit Event

This is triggered when the local player is hit by a remote player's Damage component.

Hit Another Player Event

This is triggered when the local player hits a remote player with a damage component.

Shader Globals

These are globals from ChilloutVR exposed to shaders that are synced to the CombatSystem.


An interger value of your current Health.


An interger value of your current Armor.


An interger value of your current Sheild.