Gun Controller ¶
This component is used as a quick way to make a ranged weapon for the Combat System.
Particle System¶
The Unity Particle system component that is used by the GameObject.
Shoot Sounds¶
List of audio files that are randomized and used when the GameObject is shooting.
Reload Sounds¶
List of audio files that are randomized and used when the GameObject is reloading.
Empty Shoot Sounds¶
List of audio files that are randomized and used when the GameObject is shooting but no ammo is available.
Magazine Size¶
The amount of ammo that is available before needing to reload.
Ammo Capacity¶
The amount of ammo available to be reloaded into a magazine.
Firing Mode¶
- Single
This Firing Mode requires the the GameObject to stop shooting before being able to shoot again. - Half Auto
This Firing Mode will fire the amount of ammo equal to the Firing Rate property; after, the GameObject will need to stop shooting before being able to shoot again. - Full Auto
This Firing Mode will fire a continuous stream of ammo equal to the Firing Rate property per second; until the GameObject stops shooting, or runs out of ammo in the magazine.
Firing Rate¶
The amount of ammo per second that can be shot.
Reload Time¶
The amount of time in seconds that reloading the magazine takes.
Hit Detection¶
As of game version r177 Raycast Hit Detection will still use the Particle System collision property.
- Particle
This Hit Detection will use the Particle System Collision property for collision. - RayCast
This Hit Detection will use a RayCast to detect collision. This is instant.
Hit Mask¶
The Unity Collision Matrix layers that the Gun Controller can hit.
These are methods that can be accessed using Custom Triggers in the Interactable component. These methods are important in order to use the Gun Controller.
Will add ammo to the magazine, this will not surpass the Magazine Size property.
Will add ammo to the Ammo Capacity, this will not surpass the Ammo Capacity property.
Will reload the magazine of the GameObject.
Will make the GameObject shoot once every time its called.
Will make the GameObject shoot until ShootUp is called or magazine Size reaches 0.
Animator Manager¶
The GunController component can update and set parameters to the gameobject it is on. The parameters are case sensitive.
Interger value of the Max Ammo.
Interger value of the current Ammo.
Interger value of the Max reserve Ammo.
Interger Value of the current reserve Ammo.
Bool value of the GameObjects reloading state.
Bool value of the GameObjects fire state.
Bool value of the GameObjects fire state when clipAmmo is at 0.