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Here you have properties and functions available to every script.


Some bindings are provided by dedicated modules. You can access these modules by requiring them in your script.

Function Description
require(moduleName) Adding modules to be available to Lua script.

Available Modules

  • System
  • UnityEngine
  • UnityEngine.AI
  • UnityEngine.UI
  • CVR
  • CVR.Network
  • TextMeshPro
  • RCC


-- Top of your script
UnityEngine = require("UnityEngine") -- Access to UnityEngine bindings
CCK = require("CVR.CCK") -- Access to CCK component bindings

-- Usage in script
local coolVector = UnityEngine.NewVector3(1, 2, 3)

Special Functions

Function Description
IsValid(object) : bool Determines whether a given System object, Unity Object, or API Object (Like Player or Avatar) is null or not.
It uses Unity's specific null check for Unity Objects to ensure accurate validation.


Property Description
name Access to the attached gameObject name.
gameObject Access to the attached gameObject.
transform Access to the attached transform.

Most MonoBehaviour Events are also available.


Property Description
Hash SHA512 hash of script text as Base64 string.
RunningOnServer True when running on server.
RunningOnClient True when running on client.
RunningInAvatar True when running on an avatar.
RunningInProp True when running on a prop.
RunningInWorld True when running in a world.
IsWornByMe Defined when running on an Avatar. True for the avatar wearer. False for others.
IsSpawnedByMe Defined when running on a Prop. True for the spawner. False for others.
BoundObjects Access to the Bound Objects assigned on the CVRLuaClientBehaviour script in editor.
Script Reference to the currently running script. Example: Script.Destroy("boom")
Storage Access to the data persistence system.

API Access

API Description Example
PlayerAPI Access to the PlayerAPI. Example: PlayerAPI.LocalPlayer.Respawn()
InstancesAPI Access to the InstancesAPI. Example: print(InstancesAPI.Ping)
AvatarAPI Access to the AvatarAPI. Example: print(AvatarAPI.LocalAvatar)